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    • NOW is Perfectly the Greatest Moment The universal supreme creative force is the ceaseless and ever-perfecting spirit. It knows no idea of degradation or flaw. This makes every advancing moment more perfect than the last. NOW is perfectly the greatest moment in time and space. It is our emotions that make us look at moments and judge their value and worth.  However, life is infinitely better than any time before because God is Life and makes life ever-evolving more perfect. The thing is since God is All, and we are included in this all, it means we have a say in what is perfect.  Our perception determines what is perfect.  Whatever we decide is our "take" on life is a choice at to what is "perfect".  If we decide to take a certain situation and say that it is bad then the badness is the perfection we choose.  God is All and cannot be against itself.  Whatever God says...is, and is good.  The only perspective there is in the universe is the "God as" perspective.  We are individually masters and creators of the God as Me perspective. This means we create as we choose to perceive.  Each successive moment we are choosing with this particular creative thought power.  What you choose to see through this power is what you get through this power.  A negative outlook creates a negative expression.  This expression is still perfectly made by/through/as God as Me.  Thus lamenting your creation/life is as futile as blaming God.  The universal supreme creative force operates through us, as us. Hopefully, grasping the aforementioned truths will help everyone decide to perceive differently.  NOW is always good and perfect IF you choose to perceive it as so. [See the full post at: NOW is Perfectly the Greatest Moment]

      Started by: Bodybyloud! Vint in: GetRight Discussions

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    • 1 month ago

      Bodybyloud! Vint

    • How is “The Social Dilemma” corrected by Right-Thinking? https://youtu.be/uaaC57tcci0   The Social Dilemma and Right-Thinking The Social Dilemma, a Netflix documentary on the darker side of social media, has brought to light the need for right-thinking when using these platforms that manipulate their users for profit. From addictive features to echo chambers and misinformation, the negative effects of social media are evident. However, the power of right-thinking can nullify these effects and create a positive experience on social media.   What is Right-Thinking? Right-thinking is wisdom based on the understanding that we create according to how and what we think. Thinking always has a polarity. If we approach social media with a positive and healthy mindset, the algorithms will adjust accordingly. Instead of being fed harmful content, our feeds will reflect our positive mentality.   If we put negativity into what we "like" or share, we will get negativity in our notifications. Similarly, if we spread suspicion and distrust through our posts, we'll see more of the same in our feeds. The algorithms learn from our attention and feed them back to us like a mirror. This is true for all interpersonal relationships - we get what we put into them. Therefore, we must fix how we think on social media before we can fix "The Social Dilemma."   We are Beautiful, Abundant, and Loved.   Before we even go on social media, we should know that we are beautiful, abundant, and loved. If we don't know these things, we can get sucked into believing the negative ideas spread by erroneous thinkers, which are the vast majority of society and social media users. By having a positive mindset and knowing our worth, we can create a healthier and more positive social media experience.   How do we know we are Beautiful, Abundant, and Loved? We know we are beautiful, abundant, and loved from the fact that these are characteristics of our creator. That which makes us is beauty. We know this because there is none with a second opinion. The universal supreme creative force is one. There is no other to question the beauty in all it creates. Doubting our beauty is sin = (missing the mark) because that which makes us is beauty.   We know we are abundant because that which makes us is abundance. The universal supreme creative force makes everything out of itself. It is boundless energy and the source of all things. It is all supply and through creation is only supplying itself and therefore is rich in all things. Since we are made of it we are eternally abundantly supplied with everything we require to enjoy life. Lack is a mentality of erroneous thinking. Abundance is right-thinking because the truth of it aligns with the truth of God.   We are loved because God is love. That which makes us is expressing itself through us. To do this it must desire to do this. Nothing can make the universal creative supreme force do that which it does not desire to do. This means our existence is a desire of the creator. Love is in our expression. Our existence is an act of love. God loves to express us. We are loved into existence.   "The Social Dilemma" ultimately admonishes viewers to be more mindful of their social media use and to take steps to protect their mental health. For example, the film suggests setting limits on social media time, turning off notifications, and seeking out more diverse sources of information. A good idea is to use websites like Bodybyloud! that help you discover ideas of wisdom that are good for your life and expand your understanding of life.   In conclusion, while the negative effects of erroneous thinking on social media are real, we have the power to nullify them through right-thinking. By approaching social media with a positive and healthy mindset, we can create a more positive experience and spread positivity to those around us. It's time to take responsibility for our social media use and use it as a tool for good. [See the full post at: How is "The Social Dilemma" corrected by Right-Thinking?]

      Started by: Bodybyloud! Vint in: GetRight Discussions

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    • 1 month ago

      Bodybyloud! Vint

    • The Germ of Fear is the Worst Virus Spreading Right Now What is a Germ, when it comes to Elevation-Consciousness? The germ of fear is an insidious thought-choice, belief, or judgment. This fear germ is based on the idea that something is not good and can do your elevation harm. It’s a judgment(thought-choice) on what is, and there is only the universal supreme creative mind/force.  Because all thought is creative, a negative thought manifests out of its own nature.  The thought “I am weak” makes you weak by its nature.  You must manifest weakness in some way if you let this germ infest your consciousness. Fear is a germ to the body of Christ/Elevation-Consciousness.  As a germ, it attacks the host and lowers the body's immune system.  Once the immune system is compromised the door of life is open to all kinds of "illnesses".  The illnesses affect physical and psychological bodies.  Fear is mentally stressful because it comes as worry. Christ is our “All is Good Consciousness” or Elevation-Consciousness.  It’s a mindset that says God is Good, period.  It’s the highest consciousness man can invoke in his thinking and mindset. A germ of fear is doubt in your “goodness/Godness”. Thought is a “right now” God. What you think, right now, is the most powerful thought you can have. The time to deal with a germ thought is right now, whenever it appears, not when its fruits appear. Are your thoughts wholly (Holy) on your Good(ness) or is there a germ lurking around spreading fear and doubt?  Remove all germs from your thinking and focus wholly on your Good. Practice makes perfect. Reverend Ike says "We must Practice practicing" in order to become perfect at it.  Doing this is what mastering a God-Consciousness is all about. It’s the key to Eden and opens the doors to higher de-mansions. [See the full post at: The Germ of Fear is the Worst Virus Spreading Right Now]

      Started by: Bodybyloud! Vint in: GetRight Discussions

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    • 1 month ago

      Bodybyloud! Vint

    • What is Christ? [A Conscious Wisdom/Science] What is “Christ”? “Christ" is a Conscious Wisdom/Science My definition of Christ is unorthodox and controversial however it makes more sense than anything I ever heard.  I may have to do this as a podcast where I verbally lay it out.  I first came across the assertion reading the ideas and words of Phineas P Quimby.  He states that Paul, which Paul I’m not sure, called what Jesus taught his followers was a God-Conscious wisdom or science.   God-consciousness is the First Tenant of the Wisdom/Science This wisdom/science's primary tenant is the awareness that what is true of the Father is true for the “Son”. The first idea a practitioner of “Christ" is to keep in mind is oneness with the universal supreme living principle.  "I and the Father are one” was one of Jesus’ constant refrains.  This is the foundational understanding of the science.  Joseph Murphy in his many works lays out why this is so important.   The Major Work of the Practitioner of the Science is to Rid the Mind of Thoughts that do not represent the Divine Truths of the Father. Jesus' parables are primarily about separating the goats from the sheep and weeds from the wheat, and stuff like that.  These are allusions to the mental process of selecting thoughts to hold in mind.  Negative thoughts bear negative fruits.  Negative expression comes from negative thoughts.    Jesus taught you to know the tree by its fruits.  He said you had to annihilate all ideas not of the Father, the life-giving principle.  These ideas are your mortal enemy and you have to show no mercy to them.   Negativity is the Sin of Not Loving God. Another way Jesus put it was to Love the Father with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.  Since God is Life, this means to love life will all your heart, soul, and mind.  Negativity is not allowed because you can only be negative about life, which is God.  Negativity about life is sin.  This is important because the universal supreme creative force/consciousness is purely creative.  We share the mind of the creator and create according to our thoughts.  This concept was bit much to relay to his followers in Jesus' era so he put it as best he could for them to understand. Thank goodness we have had the works of Thomas Toward, Phineas P Quimby, Joseph Murphy, and Rev. Ike.  I was able to piece together what Jesus was teaching through my study of these people and a few others. Jesus sacrificed his Christ, his conscious wisdom/science to demonstrate, fulfill, and express the law.  Life is eternal and death is merely an expression of negative consciousness(sin) and not of the universal supreme creative force which is life. The "our" in dying for our sins refers to mortal consciousness that believes in death, sickness, lack, etc. So Jesus's Christ was sacrificed to expose "our" sins as false or being the negative aspect of consciousness. The only way to do this was to express life after death, in order to do this he had to sacrifice his conscious wisdom that knew death as sin. [See the full post at: What is Christ? [A Conscious Wisdom/Science]]

      Started by: Bodybyloud! Vint in: GetRight Discussions

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    • 1 month ago

      Bodybyloud! Vint

    • Wisdom and Inspiration from the Great Funky Music of B.T. Express I grew up in the 1970s and my father was a music aficionado.  My dad collected music and kept our home filled with the sounds of soulful, funky music he loved.  One of my favorite albums he used to play was Do it (Til You're Satisfied) by BT Express.  This album is full of wisdom set to funky grooves.  When I was a kid I used to imagine what the messages in the music meant.  With titles like "Once You Get it" and "Everything Good to You( Ain't Always Good for You) it was fun attaching meaning to the often obtuse lyrics.  As I have grown and become a mental scientist, I've come to attach meanings that suit my ends.  I use these songs as inspiration to keep my mind right.  We all need inspirational reminders to stay positive and diligent with our mental affirmations. If Your Thoughts Don't Turn You On (You Oughta Leave it Alone) [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPKHg1Qbv_Y[/embedyt] Elevation Turns Me On "If it don't turn you on (Your Oughta Leave it Alone" reminds me to leave negative thoughts alone.  Elevation turns me on and negative thoughts can not elevate me.  Elevation can only come from positive ideas and thoughts.  That's why we should check our thoughts and assess if they're turn-ons or turn-offs.  Are the thoughts elevating or degrading?  If they are degrading then we should do what the song says and "leave it alone". Drop that thought like the bad habit it is. Once You Get That Powerful Idea, Hold on and Don't Let Go. [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjF5qLExtvI[/embedyt] Another inspirational funky joint by B.T. Express titled "Once You Get It" inspires me to keep on keeping on. It is great to have a soundtrack or theme music when we're on this Elevation Journey. We live this life all seeking something to be passionate about. I found my passion when I had the Bodybyloud! idea. This thing makes me feel alive just thinking about it. This song is a reminder that Once you find that thing you're passionate about, hold on to it and don't let it go. Thomas Troward, the master thinker, and my mentor, once said "If you believe an idea is powerful, then that idea is powerful." Those of you that have your powerful idea know what I mean when I say the idea is the journey. Expressing the idea is the journey. The more I express the idea that is Bodybyloud! The GetRight Spot! the more I am energized to keep creating. I love the entire process of defining and establishing this brand. I love every lesson I learn along the way. This is why I love this song by B.T. Express. To me, They're saying once you get that passionate idea hold on to it and don't let go. Hold on to it till you get everything you can get out of it. Just like the funk in this song, the journey of expression your idea is its own reward. Everything Good to You (Ain't Always Good For You) [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRLLBTD1TKE[/embedyt] One of the most profound tracks with a message on the Do it Til You're Satisfied album is "Everything Good to You (Ain't Always Good For You). The band gives us a lesson on life. We have this way of thinking that is often now in our favor. Take jealousy and envy for instance. We call it "hating" these days. The law of consciousness says whatever you direct at others is reflected back on ourselves. This means when you are envious of others and don't want success or happiness for them reflects back on your circumstances. Since the universal supreme creative force makes everyone and everything out of itself, it does not see any separation between us. We are one in and to the universal supreme creative force/mind. We use God's mind in our everyday life. Consequently, when you hate on someone else with God's creative mind you are simultaneously telling the universal supreme creative force "No success or happiness for me". That's why you can't have what you don't want others to have. Keep this in mind when you feel jealous or envious of others. Flip that mentality and bless them and pray for more prosperity and happiness for them. It may feel good to hate on people but like the song says "Everything Good to You (Ain't Always Good for You" [See the full post at: Wisdom and Inspiration from the Great Funky Music of B.T. Express]

      Started by: Bodybyloud! Vint in: Music Elevation

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    • 1 month ago

      Bodybyloud! Vint

    • Life Elevation is Bodybyloud! and The GetRight Movement’s Cause Life Elevation is Bodybyloud! and The GetRight Movement's cause because for a large portion of humanity elevation is blocked. Elevation is blocked due to a misunderstanding about what elevation is. What is Elevation? To us, Life Elevation is the wise usage of the universal supreme creative force/mind. I know it's gone take some convincing to get people to see this definition of elevation as truth but that's what this is all about. Bodybyloud! is Elevation U for this reason. Life Elevation is a polarization of the mind or consciousness. Just like up and down, hot and cold, left or right are polarizations of different physical aspects. Elevation or degradation is the polarization of consciousness. How you think or the nature of your thoughts determines the nature or polarity of your life expression. If you intend to make life better which is the fruitful, abundant, joyful, positive aspect of life it requires a mental polarity based on positive thought or elevation consciousness, which is the opposite of the negative aspect of life which expresses negative aspects of life. What does this have to do with the universal supreme creative force or God? The universal supreme creative force is mind/consciousness/energy/spirit. There is only one consciousness in the universe. This consciousness makes everything out of itself. Man is made in this consciousness image and inherits our consciousness through it. We share the one consciousness and make use of its creative expressive power, regardless of our knowing that we are. Our mind is one with the mind of the universal supreme creative force. This means our life expression is created through our thoughts/consciousness. I know this is a lot to take in, that's why this is a journey of understanding not to be taken lightly. If you decide to go on this journey of understanding you must open your mind to this truth. I realize the ideas in the above paragraph have to be explained in detail to establish the claims as truth. This is also a function and cause of Bodybyloud! To make the above truths evident to those who can recognize and realize the truth once explained. The truth about God has to be established so those who wish to elevate can understand how to use the universal supreme creative force. This is Bodybyloud!'s cause. I take this cause as my mission. My mission is the enjoy life as I glorify the universal supreme creative force. This is Life Elevation to me. [See the full post at: Life Elevation is Bodybyloud! and The GetRight Movement's Cause]

      Started by: Bodybyloud! Vint in: GetRight Discussions

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    • 1 month ago

      Bodybyloud! Vint

    • More New Friends, Please. Say 'YES' to More New Friends I'm seeing where people adopt this “No New Friends” motto as their unique method of operation. I believe the rapper, Drake, had a song that popularized it. Personally, I like to follow a line of thinking just to see where it goes. Let's play out the line of thinking or idea of, "no new friends".  What does that idea cause in our lives because ideas are cause and effect. The believed idea causes life expression. Could You Appreciate Some New Friends? Let’s start with the friends you have now.  Look around you.  Assess the friends you have.  Are they focused on ideas you feel elevate your life? Is it true that life is better with people who share your elevation goals? Is life more enjoyable being around people who claim happiness? People who discuss books about ideas they believe could make life more enjoyable are cool, right?  If your current friends aren’t cheering you on and helping elevate you then it's a very good chance you could appreciate more new friends that do.  Friends Become New Allies We all need encouragement along the way. We struggle the most usually because we think we are alone.  Good friends who see your efforts to better yourself often help with kind words. They want to be what they know they need.  These friends understand that elevation means connecting with those who are on the same journey.  We should all recognize the people, we already know, who are striving to better themselves.  There is strength in numbers. On this journey, new friends and longtime friends with aspirations become allies.  Be a Friend, First. Friends are people who can see your presence in their life as a good thing for themselves.  You have to be that good thing first.  Be a friend first by seeing/visualizing, others in the elevated state you wish for yourself.  See them being blessed with the happiness you desire for yourself. Be the person that says, 'Keep your head to the sky’.  Be there for others, just to listen when they need an ear.  Give advice sparingly and with loving honesty.    Be first to love somebody.  Everyone is a Friend  We should strive to walk through life seeing everyone we meet as potential friends. I don't understand not giving people the joy of friendship. It's a idea/vibe not of the Tree of Life. Not wanting friends is a negative idea/vibe because it makes/causes you to be un-friendly. You have to be unfriendly to ward of new friends. On A Spiritual Note God is our supply because There is Only God. God comes in all forms to our aid. One of these forms is other people. We call these people, Friends.  Be aware of what you claim because you don’t want this idea to claim you. You’re saying NO to far more than what you may think. Claim friendliness as your conscious spirit by being a new friend to all you meet.  Do this knowing God/Good will be the friends you desire in life and they will manifest accordingly. [See the full post at: More New Friends, Please.]

      Started by: Bodybyloud! Vint in: GetRight Discussions

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    • 1 month ago

      Bodybyloud! Vint

    • I Believe I’ll Figure it Out But I Know I’ll Be Alright I Believe I’ll Figure it Out But I Know I’ll Be Alright [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7xpq0Sc7mc[/embedyt] Question: What are we figuring out? Is nature trying to tell humans something? Whether the world has corrupt governments? Is the world actually overpopulated or just cramped up in several small spots? What is it? Maybe start there n let us know. Bodybyloud! Reply: I'm not perplexed about nature, corrupt governments, or populations. All those are what they are. The next move in the chess game of life is all I'm figuring on. [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-e2lAuNJSI[/embedyt] https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid036E67YSJ5k6hcCsseXm9dKMdrY8YtXMP1DXSg316Qk3TEk8mRR4Xv5Lq8uGzbkAJul&id=100067180503774&mibextid=cr9u03 Make no misunderstanding, the only thing there is to figure out is what you wanna be.  Desire and action determine what you become. https://open.spotify.com/episode/00fsO5hrUPqlAN5UYZQjOW?si=xmIJ0QP-TWOGr3gXeh39rA[See the full post at: I Believe I’ll Figure it Out But I Know I’ll Be Alright]

      Started by: Bodybyloud! Vint in: GetRight Discussions

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    • 1 month ago

      Bodybyloud! Vint

    • Check your thinking and elevate to a better expression. To be conscious is to be aware. Be aware of what you may ask. As a mental scientist, you must be aware of what you're thinking. Why is this important? This is important because thoughts are all there is to reality. Everything is what you perceive and think it is. Since the mind is purely creative in nature, what we believe in our thoughts and feelings becomes what we express. We cannot express joy unless we are thinking and feeling joyous. This is why it is necessary to check our thinking to make sure we are thinking what we desire to express.  We can't express wealth if we are thinking poverty. This goes against the law of consciousness.  As a man thinks so is he. So when we become aware that our thoughts are not going to bear the fruit we desire we must change our thoughts. Our Thoughts must be elevated in order to have an expression that graduates from the previous level. To elevate yourself you only need to elevate your thinking.[See the full post at: Check your thinking and elevate to a better expression.]

      Started by: Bodybyloud! Vint in: GetRight Discussions

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    • 1 month ago

      Bodybyloud! Vint

    • Why Are We Here? Why are we Here? We’re here because that which makes us Desired to make us. [caption id="attachment_42743" align="alignnone" width="300"] #image_title[/caption] https://open.spotify.com/track/48WidxP9CqyYtk97pwGZ3c?si=Fto06SyBQDWMMDdfKuguag I believe we should go at life with the intention of that which made us possible.  Whatever made us must have intended to make us. Why would anything exist if there was no desire to make it exist? Desire fuels the inspiration and purposes the energy of that which has the volition to create. We are the fulfillment of the creators desire.  This being the case means our expressions our made through the creators expressions.  We are the I am in the I AM.    Since we are granted the ability to enjoy the expression then we are intended to enjoy it.  Why should you enjoy life if you don't intend to enjoy life?  Your intentions are indicated and evidenced by your expressions. The desire to sing and dance inspires those who do it and purposes the energy they use to do it.  If singing and dancing makes you happy then why wouldn't you sing and dance? The same goes for us.  God desires to make us so our expression is made in God.  What we get out of the experience is made through the creation of God.  We are in that creation and purpose the energy of God through our intentions.  So ask yourself what do you intent to make this experience. Your Expression is the Fruit of Your Mind in Life. Your approach to life is what you express.  All expression comes from, through, and by the mind.  How we think shall be expressed.  We know the tree by its fruit as We know the thought by its expression.   I know you thought "P-Funk" when you said "P-Funk".  This is the law.  You can't express what you did not think. This is why I say go at life like it's a dance floor and you intend to get down. Don't half-ass on the dance floor of life. I don't know about you but for me, when it comes to life, I’m Mo Be Hittin It, like Parlet.  [See the full post at: Why Are We Here?]

      Started by: Bodybyloud! Vint in: GetRight Discussions

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    • 1 month ago

      Bodybyloud! Vint

    • The Meaning of Life according to Bodybyloud! THE MEANING OF LIFE MUST BE CONCEIVED FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE SOURCE OF LIFE. If you're truly gonna try to understand life, you're gonna have to try and understand it from the perspective of what makes life.  It's what makes life that gives it its purpose. If you are going to make something then the purpose of that something is of, and in the mind of the maker.  The highest purpose is the maker's purpose, the purpose of the creator.  So we must ask ourselves why would the creator do what it does, to make us exist? Effort must be overcome by desire, to make anything. If you don't care enough to get started and continue, you will never get anything accomplished. That's what desire is, caring enough to do what it takes to be satisfied. The effort must be justified in advance by the idea of the reward of satisfaction.  My desire to get an apple from the top of a tree must be worth more than the effort it will take for me to do it.  If I don't want the apple that bad I'm not gonna put forth enough effort to do it.  Either I must love apples or I just love the sense of accomplishment in the journey and striving to get to the apple.   If you're infinite, like the universal supreme creative force, you are never satisfied because there is no end.  Whatever it does it must love to do it. There is no enforcer making God create and sustain the universe like so.  It is pure desire, to express life in all the ways that are possible, that must motivate God.  It is out of desire and love of expression that we exist.  Noting can make the universal supreme creative force do something it doesn't want to do.  This means it does everything for love and love of doing it. This is Grace. This is why the universal supreme creative force is Love and we share its purpose. We are here to express life. We are the mechanisms of the expression of life. Everything about us is designed for God to interact with other aspects of itself. In other words, we are God living through us and contemplating itself. This means, from the source point of view, we are here to enjoy our expression. Our primary desire is our purpose and that is to enjoy life. This is why we strive to be satisfied with our lives. Our efforts are geared toward this desire to feel life is good and mean it. This is the meaning of life and living. We share God's desire, as expressions of God, to be evermore satisfied with the life we create. [See the full post at: The Meaning of Life according to Bodybyloud!]

      Started by: Bodybyloud! Vint in: GetRight Discussions

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    • 1 month ago

      Bodybyloud! Vint

    • What is the Truth about “The Kingdom of Heaven” The Kingdom of Heaven is a Consciousness of ONLY Good. As a conscious elevation scientist, I realize what 'The Kingdom of Heaven' means when I think of what the universal supreme creative force is. The universal supreme creative force is conscious spirit.  This consciousness expresses life.  Heaven, by it's objectively and subjectively "good" qualitative state, has to be the best manifestation that Spirit can express.  Nothing can be better than Heaven.  It there was, then heaven wouldn't be heaven, the other heaven would be heaven. To think of heaven is to think of the grandest experience you can imagine.  This requires the grandest and best thoughts you can imagine.  Heaven is the highest quality consciousness the universal supreme creative mind can achieve, as far as the definition of heaven is concerned. To express love, beauty, joy, peace, and harmony through all forms of life, at the same time, is heaven or on earth, Eden. Imagine life with nobody whinning, bitching or complaining. Is that not heaven? Heaven starts at home first. The first place to start is to cease the whinning and complaining in me.  Heaven is all good.  So if heaven is within then it must be all good within me.  This state is a conscious creation only I can control.  No one else can give give me heaven.  It requires taking the truth of God's love, power, beauty, peace, joy, and harmony as present in ones self.  Divine goodness is heaven and heaven is within when you acknowledge the presence of the goodness of divine Spirit in your heart. mind and life. The conscious change must go from any mentality that isn't praise and celebration of the goodness of the universal supreme creative force. The goodness of the God must be the only focus in order to create and main the Kingdom of heaven within. REMEMBER, We can't create heaven with the consciousness of misery. Intelligence's primary purpose and function is to make life more enjoyable. [caption id="attachment_33580" align="alignnone" width="300"] Intelligence's primary purpose and function are to make life more enjoyable.[/caption]   Spirit is all intelligence.  Intelligence's primary purpose and function is to make life more enjoyable  This means LIFE as heaven is the universal supreme creative force's highest order. (This statement is true until it is revealed to me otherwise). I believe God is trying to achieve heaven through us. This is the coolest meaning of Life.  The Kingdom of Heaven is the expression of most perfect consciousness.  There is no fear, insecurity, doubt, hate or any other negative state of mind.  To achieve this all of God has to love All of God.  This means we have to love all of ourselves and each other.  Each person has to do their part.  Love yourself and love everyone else. Love God with all your hear, all your soul and all your mind. To achieve Heaven, all of life has to be conscious of the truth that God is Love and Love is All Good.  Life is the journey of finding this truth and expressing it through our lives. The moment we leave this consciousness as our truth, heaven, as an expression, is lost. In order to maintain Heaven, we have to be conscious of ONLY the Goodness of God, FOREVER. [embedyt]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyxQ0oLkVGU[/embedyt]  [See the full post at: What is the Truth about "The Kingdom of Heaven"]

      Started by: Bodybyloud! Vint in: GetRight Discussions

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    • 1 month ago

      Bodybyloud! Vint

    • ‘God As Me’ is the Only Perspective in Your Universe. The 'God AS' Perspective Because the universal supreme creative force makes everything out of itself, there is only one perspective in the universe.  It is the 'GOD AS' perspective.  The universal supreme creative force (USCF)/God is the universe.  God as the moons.  God as the stars.  God as the black holes.  God as the planets. God as every form of life on the planets. This is the perspective of everything because God is the only entity in the universe.   Humans are consequently included in the God AS perspective.  Man has a special place in the God AS perspective.  This is because we have the gift of consciousness or self-awareness.  Our self-consciousness still has the creative power of God.  This means as we think we create.  Because of this, we should be ever mindful of how we perceive. Whenever you perceive you choose a perspective on what you perceive. This choice is eating from the tree of knowledge of good or evil.  For example, if I perceive something as negative I have chosen the nature of negativity from the tree of knowledge. All thought is creative because we share the consciousness of God.  Since God makes everything out of itself and is always creative, we are using perception in a creative nature.  Whatever you perceived as negative is made negative with your perception. The nature of our perception is creative power so it's important to choose to perceive good.  Perceiving good is eating from the tree of life. God-consciousness demands a mind that sees, hears, speaks, and most importantly perceives, no evil.  To operate as a metaphysical mental scientist is to train yourself not to perceive evil because we understand that perception is a creative principle or aspect of consciousness. How do we do this?Perceive everything as good.  “It's all good” is your mantra. We know this because we know all is God. Since God is everything, all expression comes from within and we are within. Our perception becomes expression due to its creative principle so choose positivity as your God As perspective. [See the full post at: ‘God As Me’ is the Only Perspective in Your Universe.]

      Started by: Bodybyloud! Vint in: GetRight Discussions

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    • 1 month ago

      Bodybyloud! Vint

    • Life is a Party and I’m Mo Be Hittin It. When it comes to life, I’m Mo Be Hittin It. Life is a Party. You decide what life is for you.  Life is what you call it.  Whatever you say life is, that's what it must be for you.  It is whatever you made your mind up to be. I've made my mind up that life is a party.  A wonderful expression hosted by infinite intelligence, the universal supreme creative mind. Because I share this mind with the Father, I get to decide what the expression is.  I'm deciding that the expression should be a party.  I can't think of a reason why it shouldn't be. Every aspect of a party is meant to be enjoyed.  The food, wine and spirits, the weed, the music, the dancing, and the stimulating interactions with family and friends, are all meant to be fun. The same can be said of life.  All of life is meant to be enjoyed.  The reason it isn't for most people is because they didn't come to party.  To them, Life isn't about what we can be enjoying.  It's about their fears and insecurities.  The messed up thing is some people are envious of others enjoying themselves.  They look at others having a good time and find reasons those people shouldn't be enjoying themselves.  Talk about a waste of mind. The unrepentant me might have been that way before I realized the truth. Life is a Party BECAUSE I Am Grateful. Why do we come up with reasons why we shouldn't be enjoying life?  Seems like that would be the last thing on our minds.  Yet, here we are at the party and instead of getting down, we're feeling some kind of way about others doing their thing. What's up with that?  I'll tell you what's up with that, it's a sure sign you're not living in gratitude. Gratitude is what makes life a party.   If you truly love life and are grateful to be alive, you make life a party.  I love to see others making life into a party. I came to party because I am grateful to the Lord God for making me out of itself.  That's why when it comes to Life, I'm Mo be hittin' it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKuaaV_1W_s [See the full post at: Life is a Party and I’m Mo Be Hittin It.]

      Started by: Bodybyloud! Vint in: GetRight Discussions

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    • 1 month ago

      Bodybyloud! Vint

    • Be The Vibe You Want to Experience in the World. [How to Get-Right] Be the Vibe, you want to experience in the world. This past Saturday night, I wanted to get out and enjoy a few hours listening to a particular style of music and enjoying some craft brew.  I got dressed, smoked a nice fatty, and jumped in the ride to start my mission.  I was playing mix by Dave Foster [embed]https://www.mixcloud.com/Dave_Foster/[/embed]  and the mix went into the track [embed]https://open.spotify.com/track/00ZWaVlZwiOSXIyoi7R75b?si=f73f1d50e606455c[/embed]  and I realized I want to be where they are playing this song or songs with a similar vibe.  Wherever that spot is, is The GetRight Spot! for tonight.  It dawned on my while I was driving the streets of my city, Columbia, SC, that there wasn’t a spot in the entire city (that I knew of) that was setting a vibe like the music I was blasting in the car. This felt like a shame to me. There should be a venue somewhere in every city where like souls can come together and fellowship in a soulful deep house atmosphere. Then I thought, This is a opportunity.  I stopped by the restaurant known to host a house music night and found them closing at 11:30, on a Saturday night, for goodness sake, smh.  A place like that is perfect for a night like that.  Then I went in search of a "beer garden” establishment I heard about in the place and couldn’t locate it, too high to follow gps correctly. (Forgot to mention I had a brownie earlier to boot) This just made me realize a brewery with a soulful house music night would be cool, another opportunity.     To Be The Vibe You Gotta Be The Vibe. The GetRight Movement is here to establish a elevated reality.  A reality based on a positive outlook on life.  Where there is opportunity there is elevation of the good we can see happening.  In order to change things we have to be the change we want to establish. We  have to Be the Vibe.  Being the vibe means we have to live it in thoughts, words and deeds.     The Vibe must be Established and Expressed. I got to thinking that before thes opportunities can be put into expression.  The “Vibe” I am going for needs to be established and presented to the world.  The only way I could see doing this was to present it through the music itself.  The music embodies the vibe. I have a playlist I’ve been working on for a few months and figured its a good place to start in establishing the spirit of this endeavor.  I renamed the playlist to [embed]https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0Bdsf2sZC2fbVBO44AL8sr?si=143ae6d5265a4a47[/embed] In presenting the playlist and the spirit it expresses I hope to gather like-minded or kindred spirits who wish to have a spot in their community that caters to the desired experience.  The goal is a GetRight Spot in every community in every city.   It begins here. [See the full post at: Be The Vibe You Want to Experience in the World. [How to Get-Right]]

      Started by: Bodybyloud! Vint in: GetRight Discussions

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    • 1 month ago

      Bodybyloud! Vint

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